
Do You Wash Your Hands?

I'm not your parent, but I assume someone has to teach what to do before you leave the washroom because I've seen so many people not washing their hands after using the toilet. 
Haven't you ever thought about what will happen? 
Ok, if you don't wash your hands after using the washroom, please stay away from other people. Especially, now that's flu season. 
Air is dry, the temperature is low, and daylight is short. The body's metabolism is slower and immune system is weaker under these conditions, so the virus will be happy to spread everywhere. It will be an epidemic as you can imagine. 
You cannot see any virus with the naked eye, can you? How do you avoid becoming sick? 
You're not the only one who uses the washroom, and it's not ok to leave there without washing your hands. 
If there's one person not washing their hands and they leave a virus there, the next person there will get the virus which can proliferate and leave the virus somewhere else again for someone. It's a chain of contagion. 
You have to understand that it doesn't matter what you do in the washroom, the truth is there are already many viruses everywhere in that small room. You don't want to take them with you, but if you do, the happy virus will appear on your desk, in your kitchen, or in your coffee mug. 
It's true, you can contact viruses in other rooms, but since the washroom is likely the only place in public for washing hands, it's the most important place to wash up. 
To sum up, I beg/suggest you to wash your hands frequently, no matter what, but especially, after the washroom.
Thank you for not passing your virus to others!


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